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Monday, April 6, 2020

Preparation of Wills during Covid 19 quarantine and Law Offices closed

Kenneth Vercammen’s Law Office updated Will preparation online with follow up consults by phone and online

To assist potential clients who are staying home we now offer consults and document preparation remotely. We are concerned about your health and wellbeing.
1. For Wills, Power of Attorney, Living Wills, Deeds, Expungements please email We will email the interview form.

2. Type response/ Fill in details., email completed Will Questionnaire back. For Wills Please type up & fill out completely and email to Typing name and details is required. Save as word doc or text, not pdf. This form is extremely important. Your accuracy and completeness in responding will help us best help you. All sections and information must be filled out prior to discussing with the attorney.

3. Ken V will call to discuss.

4. After you pay by credit card online or payment confirmed from PayPal, legal plan or Barter Depot, we will draft documents and email to you.
5. Ken V will call to answer further questions
6. Sign documents in front of notary and two witnesses. Signing instructions provided.
Stay safe but still get your important documents done. We strongly recommend all adults have a Power of Attorney prepared in the event they are temporarily incapacitated or hospitalized. We do require interview forms be completed in full and emailed back so we can provide accurate advice. The doctor’s office similarly has patients fill out details prior to the consult.

To have documents paid for client will email us:
1. The credit card number, minus last four digits [or Legal Plan # or Barter #]
2. zip code for card
3. Authorization to charge the card for the amount
4 Expiration date
5 Three digit code on back of credit card.
6. any other relevant information regarding the case

After email, we will call over phone to obtain 5 Last four digits of credit card
Otherwise you will need to mail check, or drop off cash via mail slot in Edison office.
Will Signing Instructions for Wills with Notary
The notary, person signing and two witnesses over age 18 must be in the same room
Testator [person whose is signing Will], two Witnesses and Notary all must be present in room at the same time. No one to leave room until signing completed.
The witnesses should not be beneficiaries under the Will if there is unequal distribution or issues on competency. It is best if the witnesses are unrelated to beneficiaries if there is unequal distribution.

1. Testator initials bottom of all pages in blue ink.

2. Testator in signature section handwrites date and signs above their name

3. After "SELF- PROVING AFFIDAVIT" for a second time Testator in signature section handwrites date and signs above their name. This is usually last page.

4. Witness 1 - signs name, puts address, prints name (this is done twice on Will)

5. Witness 2 - signs name, puts address, prints name (this is done twice on Will)

6. Notary signs and dates. Notary puts seal.

-Make sure Testator has signed Will

-Make sure Witnesses sign Will and fill in addresses

- Make sure to make copy of Will. Testator keeps original Will. Wills are not filed anywhere, you keep the original. If client wants, they can mail attorney a photocopy. No fax or email
Please type up response to Short form Will interview form q and email back to Thank you

PLEASE type and email back
1. Your Full Name

2. Your Street
Address: ____________________________________

3 City _______________________ State ____
Zip Code ______________

4. Telephone Numbers:

Cell: _______________________________

other # _____________________

Executor 1
Name: _________________________ __________________________
First Last

Relationship: _______________

Address: ________________________

2. SECOND Choice of Executor/Personal Representative in Power of Attorney:
This individual will serve in the event that the primary executor/personal representative is not alive at the time of your death, or is unable to serve.

Name: _________________________ __________________________
First Last

In the Will- Who do you want to get your assets:

Beneficiary (1) _______________________ Relationship _______________

Beneficiary (2) _______________________ Relationship _______________
Who receives your estate if any beneficiary predeceases you?


Minimum fee for Last Will and Testament preparation for retired persons is $350

We will draft documents for signing in front of a NJ notary.